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Monarca Group Monarch International & Associates a textile Industrial Group formally know as MONARCA - MONARCH with factories in Mexico for cutting, sewing, yarn, fabric & towels, who can also offer finishing services.


With the company’s operational ties to medical supply companies, we have the expertise in producing high-quality clothing and uniforms for various industries, including the medical and non-medical as Face Masks.


Last week as COVID-19 continued its march across the globe, sickening thousands and wreaking havoc on health care systems, Group Monarch International Inc. founder and President Manuel Victoria felt compelled to do something for the Canadian population.


We aren’t limited to the finishing and product options above either. If you have a particular project in mind, that may involve some finishing or sewing of a particular nature, definitely let us in on your project and we can discuss with you the best way we can help out.


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•Filter not included.

•As your desire, cut and put inside the mask such as: N95 PM2.5 carbon activated cotton filter,
Hepa 0.1 micro vacuum filter, Tissues, Coffee filter, Charcoal filter, Gauze, Panty liners, 
Air-dried a piece of the anti-bacteria wet wipes as the filter insert. Throw the filter out before
if you decide to wash the mask

Fabric and / or colors of your choice


•  Soft-non-woven material

•  Excellent air permeability

•  Excellent resistance to the passage of liquids

•  UV stabilizer

•  Microbial barrier; Fabric is capable of blocking pathogenic terms in fluids due to the hydrophobic property.

•  Does not accumulate heat or humidity

Good opacity

•  High tear resistance

•  Personalized fit around the circumference of the face and chin.

•  Malleable nose and chin pieces

•  Head-loops ties are solid, stretchy and soft.

•  Filter compartment

•  Ergonomic design

•  Reusable

•  Washable

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In the middle of a pandemic, when there is a shortage of N95 masks, the MONARCA-MONARCH mask can be used to preserve the longevity of an N95 mask.

The masks need to be change after which it is saturated with moist exhale air and filters microorganisms worse and, also creates a favorable environment for the multiplication of bacteria and viruses. However, if the mask becomes wet  coughing, sneezing, or breathing, it should be replaced immediately.

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•  Keep in mind that the inside filter you use for the non-woven mask needs to be efficient to filter down to 0.1 micron, which is how small the virus is.  The best way to get this filter is to buy a filter N95 (mention before). It is reasonable to consider China KN95, AS/NZ P2, Korea 1st Class, and Japan DS FFRs as equivalent to US NIOSH N95 and European FFP2 respirators, for filtering non-oil based particles such as those resulting from wildfire, PM 2.5 air pollution, volcanic eruptions, or bioaerosols (e.g. viruses).

•  If finding a certified filter gets hard, you can be creative and can cut it up to put inside of the mask a Hepa 0.1 micron vacuum filter (example Kirby micron magic Hepa filtration vacuum bags), or coffee filter, charcoal filter, gauze found at pharmacies as filter; tissue paper (called meltdown nonwoven fabric) can also be use, just use more layers of it and throw it out before if you decide to reuse the mask.

•  It must be disinfected/ washed after every use.

•  Make sure the breathing resistance is not too high for a mask with the filter.

•  Low enough breathing resistance is important both for the inhale as well as the exhale. People with chronic respiratory, cardiac, or other medical conditions that make breathing difficult should check with their health care provider before using Monarca-Monarch or N95 respirator because the Mask or N95 respirator can make it more difficult for the wearer to breathe.

•  Try not to go into public if avoidable, but if necessary, use our mask with a filter as we are suggesting will help reduce risk and also remember to keep your distance (2 mts).

We’re fighting to stop the virus. We provide the citizens an option to protect themselves!


More Information Contact Us Now!

Tel: +1 (514) 694-7267

Cell/ WhatsApp: +1 (514) 269-2659



This documents contain privileged and confidential information and are therefore directed in confidence solely to the recipient, and may not otherwise be distributed, copied or disclosed


This specifications and/or data sheet is for the information purposes only and should not be relied upon as a basis for product performance.  Before commercial production, or prior to use Monarca-Monarch mask users should consult their local respiratory protection regulations and requirements or check with their local public health authorities for selection guidance. We recommend that this product should be evaluated in your laboratory and confirm that the same meet your expectation. We disclaim any and all warranties, whether express or implied, and especially disclaim the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.  This Face mask is not meant to replace the surgical face mask.

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ENGLISH VERSION: Copyright notice.


Copyright© 2023 GROUP MONARCH INTERNATIONAL INC.(Canada) (México),

 MONARCH®/™,  MONARCA®/™, TRITON®/™,S. A.®/™  

All rights reserved/ Sont des marques déposé sous licence./ Todos los derechos reservados


© Copyright  2023,   

  MONARCA/ MONACH™/® , TRITON®™/   Cocomfort ®™/ Kitty Litter™ sont des marques déposées sous licence. / All rights reserved.

Copyright©   2020 - COCOMFORT®/™  /  Kitty Litter™®    A Divison of GROUP MONARCH INTERNATIONAL INC.(Canada) / GRUPO MONARCA INTERNACIONAL S.A. DE C.V. (México), MONARCH®/™, COCOMFORT®/™, Kitty litter®/™,  All rights reserved/ Sont des marques déposé sous licence./ Todos los derechos reservados

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners./ Toutes les autres marques de commerce appartiennent à leur propriéte respectifs. /  Todas las otras marcas registradas son propiedad de los propietarios respectivos.

Group Monarch International a division of 4179412 Canada Inc. / Grupo Monarca Internacional S.A. de C.V.   COCOMFORT®̷ ™

Monarch®̷™ shall not be entitled to incidental and consequential damages or any other damages due to the use of this product. Keep out of reach of children. The purchaser or user assumes, without limitation, all risk for any loss or consequential damage arising out of this product.

The data and comments above and/or attached are provided for information purposes only and are not intended to be used for specific trading strategies. Although all information is believed to be reliable, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness./

The material published in this presentation file is intended for use only by references, does not constitute commercial advice, and the images may not represent the actual product.

The elements contained in the technical specifications of each Monarch®/™ Products  / Domes, as well as those relating to the conception and design of each of Products /  domes designed by the Group Monarch International Inc., all the architectural and visual elements, are the exclusive property of the Group Monarch International Inc., They constitute works protected by copyright, by the provisions of the Copyright Act. Therefore, no element of the configurations of each dome and plans relating to the conception and design of the Group Monarch International Inc. Products / domes may be used, reproduced or transmitted, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means. Whatsoever, without the written permission of Group Monarch International Inc.


Be advised that any violation of this warning will be subject to legal proceedings by Group Monarch International Inc. without delay or additional notice.


These specifications and datasheets are for information purposes only and should not be relied upon as a basis for product performance. Before commercial production, We recommend that this product should be evaluated in your laboratory and confirm that the same meet your expectation. We disclaim all warranties, whether express or implied, and especially disclaim the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.


This consolidated version of the information is prepared for the reader's convenience and has no official value. No warranty is given as to the accuracy of the text. For each country, city, district and community, the reader should consult the official version of the by-law and proper regulations before buying and installing a Monarch® dome.

Vérifiez aupès de vos autorités la Loi sur l’aménagement et l’urbanisme

Product production is based on the current moulds of the factory, and we have the right to adjust the products

according to needs.




Advertissement relative au droit d’auteur


Les éléments contenus dans les specifications techniques de  chaque Monarch®/™ Domes ainsi que ceux relatifs à la conception et au design de chacune Produit  / des domes conçues par le Group Monarch International Inc., en particulier tous les éléments architecturaux et visuels, sont la propriéte exclusive de le Group Monarch International Inc., Ils constituent des oeuvres protégées par le droit d’auteur, en particulier par les dispositions de la Loi sur le droit d’auteur. Aucun élément des configurations de chaque Produits/  dôme et se plans au relative à la conception et au design des Produits / dômes de le Group Monarch International Inc. ne peut être utilize, reproduit ou transmis, en totalité ou en partie, sous quelque forme ou par quelque moyen que ce soit, sans l’autorisation écrite de Group Monarch International Inc.


Soyez avisés que toute contravention au present avertissement fera l’objet de procedures judiciaries par le Group Monarch International Inn. Sans délai ou préavis supplémentaire.




Cette version consolidée de l'information est préparée pour la commodité du lecteur et n'a aucune valeur officielle. Aucune garantie n'est donnée quant à l'exactitude du texte. Pour chaque pays, ville, district et communauté, le lecteur doit consulter la version officielle du règlement et des règlements appropriés avant d'acheter et d'installer un dôme Monarch®


La production de produits est basée sur les moules actuels de l'usine, et nous avons le droit d'ajuster les produits selon les besoins.


Group Monarch International a division of 4179412 Canada Inc./ Grupo Monarca Internacional SA De C.V., COCOMFORT®̷ ™  ,  Monarch®̷™,  n'aura pas droit aux dommages fortuits et consécutifs ou à tout autre dommage dus à l'utilisation de ce produit.   Tenir hors de portée des enfants. L'acheteur ou l'utilisateur assume, sans limitation, tout le risque pour n'importe quelle perte ou dommages consécutifs à l’utilisation ou la manipulation de ce produit

Les données et les commentaires au-dessus de et/ou attaché est pourvu aux buts d'informations et n'est pas voulu être seulement des usages pour les stratégies de commerce spécifiques. Bien que toutes informations sont crues pour être fiables, nous ne pouvons pas garantir sa précision ou sa plénitude./

Le matériel publié sur cette présentation de fichiers sont destinés à des références utilisent uniquement, ne constituent pas des conseils comercial, et les images peuvent ne pas représenter le produit réel.


Clause de non-responsabilité:

Ces spécifications et fiches techniques sont fournies à titre informatif uniquement et ne doivent pas servir de base aux performances du produit. Avant la production commerciale, nous recommandons que ce produit soit évalué dans votre laboratoire et confirmons qu'il répond à vos attentes. Nous déclinons toute garantie, expresse ou implicite, et en particulier déclinons les garanties implicites de qualité marchande, d'adéquation à un usage particulier et de non-contrefaçon.



Group Monarch International a division of 4179412 Canada Inc. / Grupo Monarca Internacional S.A. de C.V.   COCOMFORT®̷ ™

Monarch®̷™no tendrán derecho a los daños incidentales o consecuentes, o cualquier otro daño, debido a la utilización de este producto.

Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños.

 El comprador o usuario asume, sin limitación, cualquier riezgo y responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño consecuente que surja de este producto.

La informacion y comentarios arriba y/o adjuntos son proporcionados para informacion unicamente y no para ser utilizados para especificas transacciones comerciales. A pesar de que toda la informacion considerada verdadera y util, no podemos garantizar la certiza ni lo completo/

 El material publicado en este archivo y presentacion es con motivo de referencia unicamente y no constituye asesoramiento comercial  y las fotos e imagenes pueden no representar el producto real.

Descargo de responsabilidad:

Estas especificaciones y hojas de datos son solo para fines informativos y no se debe confiar en ellas como base para el rendimiento del producto. Antes de la producción comercial, recomendamos que este producto sea evaluado en su laboratorio y confirme que el mismo cumple con sus expectativas. Renunciamos a todas las garantías, ya sean expresas o implícitas, y especialmente renunciamos a las garantías implícitas de comerciabilidad, idoneidad para un propósito particular y no infracción.

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